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Bid Sheet
Prices Realized
Sale 26 - April 27-29, 2007
The Westpex Sale
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Sale Highlights
10 Select Items
Lots 1-39
U.S. Postal History: California Postal History (Towns A-F)
Lots 40-82
U.S. Postal History: California Postal History (Towns G-P)
Lots 83-105
U.S. Postal History: California Postal History (Ranches A-M)
Lots 106-129
U.S. Postal History: California Postal History (Ranches N-Y)
Lots 130-156
U.S. Postal History: California Postal History (Towns R-S)
Lots 157-172
U.S. Postal History: California Postal History (Towns T-Y)
Lots 173-188
U.S. Postal History: California Mail Routes
Lots 189-212
U.S. Postal History: California Illustrated Covers (Part I)
Lots 213-238
U.S. Postal History: California Illustrated Covers (Part II)
Lots 239-266
U.S. Postal History: Western Express Covers (Adams-City G & H)
Lots 267-285
U.S. Postal History: Western Express Covers (D.W. Harrier-Freeman)
Lots 286-313
U.S. Postal History: Western Express Covers (Gray's-Hunter)
Lots 314-340
U.S. Postal History: Western Express Covers (Jones-Northwestern)
Lots 341-366
U.S. Postal History: Western Express Covers (Oroville-Rutherford)
Lots 367-403
U.S. Postal History: Western Express Covers (Salmon River-Wells & Herring
Lots 404-435
U.S. Postal History: Western Express Covers (Wells, Fargo & Co. Express; A-N
Lots 436-469
U.S. Postal History: Western Express Covers (Wells, Fargo & Co. Express; O-W
Lots 470-481
U.S. Postal History: Western Express Covers (Wheeler to Balance Collections&
Lots 482-488
U.S. Postal History: Eastern Express Covers
Lots 489-499
U.S. Postal History: Historical Documents & Autographs
Lots 500-525
U.S. Postal History: Postal History by State (A-I)
Lots 526-556
U.S. Postal History: Postal History by State (K-N)
Lots 557-580
U.S. Postal History: Postal History by State (O-W)
Lots 581-602
U.S. Postal History: Packets/Inland Waterway Covers (A-B)
Lots 603-628
U.S. Postal History: Packets/Inland Waterway Covers (C)
Lots 629-666
U.S. Postal History: Packets/Inland Waterway Covers (D-F)
Lots 667-703
U.S. Postal History: Packets/Inland Waterway Covers (G-J)
Lots 704-748
U.S. Postal History: Packets/Inland Waterway Covers (L-N)
Lots 749-775
U.S. Postal History: Packets/Inland Waterway Covers (O-P)
Lots 776-813
U.S. Postal History: Packets/Inland Waterway Covers (R-S)
Lots 814-838
U.S. Postal History: Packets/Inland Waterway Covers (T to Balance Collection
Lots 839-846
U.S. Postal History: Misc. Waterway - Maritime Markings & Transatlantic Mails
Lots 847-870
U.S. Postal History: Advertising & Illustrated Covers - Food Related (B-C
Lots 871-900
U.S. Postal History: Advertising & Illustrated Covers - Food Related (F-G
Lots 901-919
U.S. Postal History: Advertising & Illustrated Covers - Food Related (H-S
Lots 920-948
U.S. Postal History: Advertising & Illustrated Covers by Subject (A-G)
Lots 949-969
U.S. Postal History: Advertising & Illustrated Covers by Subject (H-R)
Lots 970-986
U.S. Postal History: Advertising & Illustrated Covers by Subject (S to Balan
Lots 987-1000
U.S. Postal History: Exposition Covers
Lots 1001-1020
U.S. Postal History: Fancy Cancels on Stamps
Lots 1021-1040
U.S. Postal History: Fancy Cancels on Covers (A-L)
Lots 1041-1072
U.S. Postal History: Fancy Cancels on Covers (N to Balance Collections)
Lots 1073-1121
U.S. Postal History: Patriotic Covers - By Subject
Lots 1122-1130
U.S. Postal History: Patriotic Balance Lots & Campaign Covers
Lots 1131-1160
U.S. Postal History: Civil, Spanish-American & World War Postal History
Lots 1161-1173
U.S. Postal History: Railroad & Valentine Covers
Lots 1174-1178
U.S. Postal History: Postmasters' Provisional Issues
Lots 1179-1212
U.S. Postal History: 1847 Issues
Lots 1213-1267
U.S. Postal History: 1851 Issues
Lots 1268-1297
U.S. Postal History: 1857, 1¢-3¢ Issues
Lots 1298-1330
U.S. Postal History: 1857, 5¢-30¢ Issues
Lots 1331-1377
U.S. Postal History: 1861-1862 Issues
Lots 1378-1407
U.S. Postal History: 1862-1866 Issues
Lots 1408-1425
U.S. Postal History: 1867 Grilled Issues
Lots 1426-1469
U.S. Postal History: 1869 Pictorial Issues
Lots 1470-1491
U.S. Postal History: 1870-1890 Bank Note Co. Issues
Lots 1492-1517
U.S. Postal History: 1893 Columbian to 1898 Trans-Mississippi Issues
Lots 1518-1543
U.S. Postal History: 20th Century Issues
Lots 1544-1556
U.S. Postal History: Pioneer Airmail Flights
Lots 1557-1573
U.S. Postal History: Airmail Issues
Lots 1574-1594
U.S. Postal History: Special Delivery to Official Seal Issues
Lots 1595-1612
U.S. Postal History: Carriers & Locals
Lots 1613-1637
U.S. Postal History: Postal Stationery & Postal Cards
Lots 1638-1641
U.S. Stamps: Postmasters' Provisional Issues
Lots 1642-1657
U.S. Stamps: 1847 Issue & 1875 Reproductions
Lots 1658-1683
U.S. Stamps: 1851 Issue
Lots 1684-1700
U.S. Stamps: 1857 Issue & 1875 Reprints
Lots 1701-1720
U.S. Stamps: 1861-1866 Issue
Lots 1721-1728
U.S. Stamps: 1867 Grilled Issues
Lots 1729-1751
U.S. Stamps: 1869 Pictorial Issue
Lots 1752-1787
U.S. Stamps: 1870-1890 Bank Note Co. Issues
Lots 1788-1806
U.S. Stamps: 1893 Columbian Issue
Lots 1807-1821
U.S. Stamps: 1894-1903 Bureau Issues
Lots 1822-1828
U.S. Stamps: 1898 Trans-Mississippi Issue
Lots 1829-1837
U.S. Stamps: 1901 Pan-American Issue
Lots 1838-1848
U.S. Stamps: 1902-1908 Regular Issues
Lots 1849-1854
U.S. Stamps: 1904 Louisiana Purchase & Jamestown Issues
Lots 1855-1875
U.S. Stamps: 1908-1910 Washington-Franklin Issue, DL Watermark
Lots 1876-1886
U.S. Stamps: 1909 Commemorative & 1910-1911 Washington-Franklin Issues
Lots 1887-1891
U.S. Stamps: 1913-1915 Panama-Pacific Issue
Lots 1892-1946
U.S. Stamps: 1912-1919 Washington-Franklin Issues
Lots 1947-1960
U.S. Stamps: 1922-1925 Regular Issue
Lots 1961-1996
U.S. Stamps: 1925-56 Issues
Lots 1997-2024
U.S. Stamps: 1968-2005 Issues
Lots 2025-2045
U.S. Stamps: Airmail Issues
Lots 2046-2061
U.S. Stamps: Special Delivery & Postage Dues
Lots 2062-2066
U.S. Stamps: Offices in China
Lots 2067-2078
U.S. Stamps: Official Issues
Lots 2079-2081
U.S. Stamps: Official Seals
Lots 2082-2094
U.S. Stamps: Newspaper & Parcel Post Issues
Lots 2095-2119
U.S. Stamps: Carriers & Locals
Lots 2120-2129
U.S. Stamps: Telegraph & Sanitary Fair Issues
Lots 2130-2147
U.S. Stamps: Revenue - 1862-71 First Issues
Lots 2148-2173
U.S. Stamps: Revenue - 1871-1958 Documentary Issues
Lots 2174-2179
U.S. Stamps: Revenue - Stock Transfers
Lots 2180-2194
U.S. Stamps: Revenue - Wine & Beer Issues
Lots 2195-2199
U.S. Stamps: Revenue - Playing Cards, Silver Tax & Narcotic
Lots 2200-2206
U.S. Stamps: Revenue - Private Die Match & Medicine
Lots 2207-2216
U.S. Stamps: Duck Stamps to Encased Postage
Lots 2217-2224
Confederate States: Stampless Covers & Postmasters' Provisionals
Lots 2225-2251
Confederate States: Regular Issue Stamps and Covers
Lots 2252-2261
U.S. Possessions: Canal Zone
Lots 2262-2267
U.S. Possessions: Cuba & Guam
Lots 2268-2278
U.S. Possessions: Philippines & Puerto Rico
Lots 2279-2283
Hawaii: Hawaiiana
Lots 2284-2299
Hawaii: The Bond Correspondence, 1870-90's
Lots 2300-2310
Hawaii: Documents, Correspondence and Ephemera
Lots 2311-2326
Hawaii: Postal Markings Stamps and Covers (Island of Hawaii)
Lots 2327-2345
Hawaii: Postal Markings Stamps and Covers (Honolulu)
Lots 2346-2358
Hawaii: Postal Markings Stamps and Covers (Islands Kauai - Molokai)
Lots 2359-2362
Hawaii: Postal Markings Stamps and Covers (Island of Oahu)
Lots 2363-2370
Hawaii: Ship & Maritime Markings
Lots 2371-2383
Hawaii: Incoming Mail
Lots 2384-2410
Hawaii: Advertising & Illustrated Covers (A-G)
Lots 2411-2435
Hawaii: Advertising & Illustrated Covers (H-V)
Lots 2436-2449
Hawaii: 1857-66 Regular Issues on Cover
Lots 2450-2471
Hawaii: 1871-91 Regular Issues on Cover
Lots 2472-2491
Hawaii: 1893 Regular Issues on Cover
Lots 2492-2510
Hawaii: 1894-99 Regular Issues on Cover
Lots 2511-2538
Hawaii: Official Covers
Lots 2539-2555
Hawaii: Postal Stationery - Regular Issue
Lots 2556-2572
Hawaii: Postal Stationery - Wells Fargo & Co. & Special Delivery
Lots 2573-2597
Hawaii: Postal Cards
Lots 2598-2607
Hawaii: Postal Card - Paid Reply
Lots 2608-2620
Hawaii: Hawaiian Photos
Lots 2621-2642
Hawaii: Pioneer Postcards with Hawaiian Stamps
Lots 2643-2689
Hawaii: Hawaiian Picture Post Cards
Lots 2690-2709
Hawaii: 1851-59 Regular Issue Stamps
Lots 2710-2733
Hawaii: 1863-65 Regular Issue Stamps
Lots 2734-2760
Hawaii: 1864-99 Regular Issue Stamps
Lots 2761-2770
Hawaii: Official & Revenue Issues
Lots 2771-2780
Hawaii: Kahului Railroad Issues
Lots 2781-2805
Hawaii: Hawaiian Collections and Balances
Lots 2806-2850
Great Britain Stamps and Covers
Lots 2851-2876
British Commonwealth: Antigua to Bahamas
Lots 2877-2894
British Commonwealth: Barbados to Brunei
Lots 2895-2899
British Commonwealth: B.N.A. - The Boulders Collection: Br. Columbia & Vancouver
Lots 2900-2923
British Commonwealth: B.N.A. - The Boulders Collection: New Brunswick
Lots 2924-2956
British Commonwealth: B.N.A. - The Boulders Collection: Newfoundland
Lots 2957-2975
British Commonwealth: B.N.A. - The Boulders Collection: Nova Scotia
Lots 2976-2990
British Commonwealth: B.N.A. - The Boulders Collection: Prince Edward Island
Lots 2991-3003
British Commonwealth: B.N.A. - The Boulders Collection: Canada 1851-57 Issues
Lots 3004-3041
British Commonwealth: B.N.A. - The Boulders Collection: Canada 1859-64 Issues
Lots 3042-3049
British Commonwealth: Canadian Provinces
Lots 3050-3067
British Commonwealth: Canada 1851-64 Issues
Lots 3068-3084
British Commonwealth: Canada 1868-97 Issues
Lots 3085-3106
British Commonwealth: Canada 1897 Jubilee Issues
Lots 3107-3131
British Commonwealth: Canada 1897-1908 Issues
Lots 3132-3189
British Commonwealth: Canada 1912-28 Issues
Lots 3190-3235
British Commonwealth: Canada 1929-51 Issues
Lots 3236-3258
British Commonwealth: Canada Back-of-the-Book Issues
Lots 3259-3288
British Commonwealth: Cape of Good Hope to Ionian Islands
Lots 3289-3326
British Commonwealth: Ireland to Virgin Islands
Lots 3327-3361
General Foreign: Austria to Estonia
Lots 3362-3394
General Foreign: France Regular Issues
Lots 3395-3415
General Foreign: France Airmails
Lots 3416-3422
General Foreign: French Colonies
Lots 3423-3432
General Foreign: German States
Lots 3433-3458
General Foreign: German Reich
Lots 3459-3471
General Foreign: German Offices Abroad
Lots 3472-3489
General Foreign: Germany - Danzig & Saar
Lots 3490-3502
General Foreign: German WWII Occupations - Feldpost & After 1945
Lots 3503-3522
General Foreign: Greece to Italian States
Lots 3523-3543
General Foreign: Italy & Colonies
Lots 3544-3554
General Foreign: Japan to Liechtenstein
Lots 3555-3583
General Foreign: Mexico 1856 Issue
Lots 3584-3622
General Foreign: Mexico 1861 Issue
Lots 3623-3657
General Foreign: Mexico 1864-66 Issues
Lots 3658-3665
General Foreign: Mexico 1866 Issue
Lots 3666-3687
General Foreign: Mexico 1868 Thin Figure Imperforate Issue
Lots 3688-3717
General Foreign: Mexico 1868 Thin Figure Perforated Issue
Lots 3718-3747
General Foreign: Mexico 1868 Thick Figure Imperforate Issue
Lots 3748-3764
General Foreign: Mexico 1868 Thick Figure Perforated Issue
Lots 3765-3779
General Foreign: Mexico 1872-81 Issues
Lots 3780-3794
General Foreign: Mexico 1884 Hidalgo & Numeral Issues
Lots 3795-3816
General Foreign: Mexico 1895-1939 Issues & Back-of-the-Book
Lots 3817-3830
General Foreign: Monaco to San Marino
Lots 3831-3844
General Foreign: Scandinavia - Denmark
Lots 3845-3860
General Foreign: Scandinavia - Danish West Indies
Lots 3861-3870
General Foreign: Scandinavia - Faroe Islands & Greenland
Lots 3871-3879
General Foreign: Scandinavia - Finland
Lots 3880-3903
General Foreign: Scandinavia - Iceland
Lots 3904-3906
General Foreign: Scandinavia - Norway
Lots 3907-3943
General Foreign: Scandinavia - Sweden
Lots 3944-3957
General Foreign: Spain to Thailand
Lots 3958-3967
General Foreign: Turkey in Asia 1920-21 Regular Issues
Lots 3968-3982
General Foreign: Turkey in Asia 1920 Turkish Revenue Issues
Lots 3983-4028
General Foreign: Turkey in Asia 1921 Turkish Revenue Issues
Lots 4029-4040
General Foreign: Turkey in Asia 1921-22 Regular Issues
Lots 4041-4050
General Foreign: Uruguay to Yugoslavia
Lots 4051-4087
Collections: U.S. Cover Collections
Lots 4088-4130
Collections: U.S. General Collections
Lots 4131-4219
Collections: Foreign Country Collections (A-F)
Lots 4220-4305
Collections: Foreign Country Collections (G-R)
Lots 4306-4346
Collections: Foreign Country Collections (S-Y)
Lots 4347-4353
Collections: Worldwide Cover Collections
Lots 4354-4404
Collections: Worldwide Collections
Lots 4405-4457
Philatelic Literature