(Kern) Tehachipo, Cal., Jun 2 1873, bold cds (KER-4100) with last letter "O" in town name and "3" in 1873 penned in, on 1870, 3¢ green entire to San Francisco canceled by negative star in circle handstamp, Very Fine, the finer of two known Tehachipo postmarks, both bearing manuscript corrections. Estimate $300 - 400.
During the first period the Tehachipi post office was opened (1869-85) the postal marking named changed four times. From Tehachipah, to Tehachipa, then Tehichipa and finally Tehichipi. The 1872 Tehachipah postmark was short-lived and by 1873 the "AH" at the end of name was removed from the postmark (creating this Williams KER-4100 postmark). Later, after the office changed to Greenwich, the office (and town name) then became Tehachapi.
Realized: $350