Civil War and Post-War Correspondences, large group of three correspondences, the Cyrus Cummings 1860-66 group of 20 original letters mostly with covers, some interesting content while enlisted such as Feb. 7th 1863 saing Genl. Grant is within 20 miles of Vicksburg, Jun. 2nd 1863 datelined "Fort Pickering" saying he is heading back to Vicksburg and Negroes working on Fort; Oct. 8th 1863 datelined "Vicksburg" on Eagle patriotic letterhead mailed a month after the Siege and fall of the town (he was enlisted Bat. G 2nd Ills. Lt Artillery and later 3rd Div. 3rd Brig. 16th Army Corp.); second ground is about 55 letters with covers 1860-65 to Jamess Cummings from cousins, etc, many with references to Cyrus, includes 2 CDVs, note nice "Stand by the Flag" Soldier with Bayonet standing by Flag patriotic with #26, and last is 36 papers/letters of the Prentice Family of Foxcroft Me. mostly 1856-1868, F.-V.F. and interesting group. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,100