Maine Postal History Group, 1860-80's, of 15 different covers, selected for unusual or attractive cancels or towns, includes 3¢ (26) tied by North Haven "balloon" cds on embossed ladies cover; 3¢ (114 split grill) tied by grid, North Waterford cds; 3¢ (65) tied by grid, Portland cds, arced "Registered" handstamp; 3¢ (65) tied by geometric, So. St George rimless cds; 3¢ (65) manuscript cancelled with matching West Cornville Me manuscript town, boxed "Advertised" handstamp with manuscript "1" rate; 3¢ Banknote with Winterport masonic cancel; etc., also note Railroad cover with embossed A&KRRC, Waterville, embossed shield type corner card, etc. Estimate $150 - 200.
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Realized: $150