China, 1827 (Nov. 29) Whampoa, China to Providence R.I. via Amboy N.J., folded letter datelined "Whampoa Novr. 29 - 1827", endorsed "p Ship Maria, Captn. Evans, N York" at lower left, entered mails with red fancy "Amboy, New Jersey, Apl 1" oval postmark and matching small "SHIP" straightline with "58¼" updated to "39½" rating for 37½¢ inland postage plus 2¢ ship fee, some interesting content from W. P. Salisbury reading in part "Gentlemen in my last of 26th Octr. I informed you of the death of my Carpenter by drowning…I want 600 chests of tea to compliment my cargo…", docketed "Recd Apl 3. 1828" indicating over 4 months in transit; cover split along vertical fold, Fine and early ship use from Whampoa to the United States. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $950