Australian States: New South Wales, 1882 (Dec. 16) Sydney, New South Wales to Waterbury Conn., cover bearing New South Wales, 2d blue, strip of four, each tied by Traveling P.O. circular cancels, Sydney (12.16) backstamp and purple "PAID ALL" sans-serif oval, manuscript "4" pence debit rating, carried by City of New York from Sydney to San Francisco, San Francisco (1.25) backstamp and matching "8" circular due handstamp, Waterbury (1.30) arrival backstamp; edge wear, right 2d rounded corner, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Postal Treaty provided mail paid one rate or more but overweight to be forwarded - with receiving country to keep postage payable. Note credit was given for 2d "overpayment".
Realized: $150