1869 (Feb. 11) Weaverville Cal. to Newcastle, New South Wales, cover bearing United States, 2¢ black (93) and two 10¢ green (96) singles, all with defects, each cancelled by partial oval cancels, matching "Weaverville Cal. Feb 11" cds, San Francisco magenta "12 Cents." credit handstamp,carried by PMSC steamship to Panama arriving Mar. 8th, then railroad across Isthmus, RMSC packet to London, red London Paid (4.13) transit cds, then P&O Ceylon via Suez, Simla to Galle, P&O Malta to Melbourne arriving Jun. 7th, Newcastle (6.10) arrival backstamp; cover with tear and professional edge restoration, Very Fine appearance; with clear 1981 P.F. certificate. Estimate $500 - 750.
When this cover reached Panama City it was realized it could not be sent via the Pacific because New Zealand's Panama Line was discontinued. Cover was sent via the Atlantic. Had it been sent overland from San Francisco to New York on the almost completed transcontinental railroad it would have reached Australia more than a month earlier.
Realized: $1,150