Australian States: New South Wales, 1868 (Mar. 31) Sydney, New South Wales to Monument Mass., yellow cover bearing New South Wales, 6d violet (40), rich color, tied by "N.S.W." oval duplexed with "Sydney, MR 31, 68" cds, carried by New Zealand Panama Line Rakaia to Panama arriving May 4th, across Isthmus by railroad, then steamship from Colon to New York, "New York, 10 U.S. Notes, May 14" depreciated currency cds for 10¢ steamship rate; reduced slightly at left, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
New York occasionally used their "10" depreciated currency marking on arriving mail with 10¢ due. These markings originated during the Civil War when gold and greenbacks had different values.
Realized: $450