1855 (Feb. 22) Rushville N.Y. to Melbourne, Australia, cover endorsed "Adams & Co. Express" at left with blue "Rushville N.Y., Feb 22" cds and matching "Paid" handstamp with manuscript. "37" cent prepaid rating, red "New-York, Br. Pkt. Feb 27" exchange cds backstamp with magenta "28" cent credit to G.B., carried by Cunard Line Asia from Boston Feb. 28th to Liverpool arriving Mar. 10th, red London Paid (3.12) transit cds and matching "1d" colonial credit handstamp for contract sailing, carried by Marco Polo to Melbourne, partial arrival backstamp; flap tears and edge wear, F.-V.F. Estimate $500 - 750.
Endorsed to be sent by Adams & Co. outside the mails, but mailed instead because Adams was in financial difficulties and was about to shut down its Melbourne branch. This is one of several United States covers recorded prepaid 37¢ cents but sent by contract packet from England, so overpaid 33¢ rate.
Realized: $290