Lot 976
(TransA - Havre) "Nashville" Eastbound Voyages, 1853 (Dec. 16) San Francisco Cal. to Cognac, France, gray folded letter with "San Francisco Cal., Dec 16" cds and matching "Paid 26" straightline rating handstamp, additional red crayon "26" rating, endorsed "Via Panama & New-York", carried by PMSS Golden Gate Dec. 16th to Panama arriving Dec. 28th, across the Isthmus and placed on US Mail George Law from Aspinwall Dec. 30th to New York arriving Jan. 9th, red "New York Am. Packet, Jan 14" exchange cds, carried by Havre Line Nashville from New York Jan. 16th to Havre arriving Feb. 3rd, red Le Havre (2.3) entry cds and manuscript "12" décimes double-weight rating handstamp, Cognac (2.5) arrival cds, Carried on the maiden voyage of the Nashville for the Havre Line1854 (Mar. 8) Havana, Cuba to Paris, France via New York, folded letter carried privately to New York, blue "Lille & Rasines" forwarding agent cachet, red "New York Am. Packet. Mar 14" exchange cds, carried by Havre Line Nashville from New York Mar. 14th to Havre arriving Mar. 28th, red "Outre-Mer Le Havre" (3.28) entry cds and Paris (3.28) arrival backstamp, manuscript "6" décimes due rating, This letter was carried on the second voyage., Very Fine pair carried on the two voyages of the "Nashville" for the Havre Line.
Estimate $300 - 400.
The steamer "Nashville" was chartered for only two round voyages after the loss of "Humboldt" that was wrecked on the Sisters Rocks in dense fog on Dec. 6th.
Realized: $300