Confederacy, Jefferson Davis Medallion C.S.A. Lettersheet, purple medallion design with 7-Star Flags at sides and additional "March to the battle field!" and Lady with train and ship vignettes, lettersheet datelined "Near Corinth 1861", some interesting content "…The 13th Regiment passed today for Va. We are still here & no orders to leave as yet. We expect orders any day. I don't know when we will go. We will have no doubt soon & when the fight begins, if it does, we will be in it…I still hope the war will be brought to a close soon, for it is hard for us to stay from our homes and wives & babies, but it is all right…We have no very reliable news here about the fighting. I have just heard that a fight come off in Manassas & old Ben McCullough got the Federal Troops down. We lost 75 men & four thousand of the enemy killed, wounded, & taken prisoners, with all their ammunition & arms, etc. so report has it…The Northern Congress seems state minded to smash us up if they can. Better reason will may be taking the place of folly & nonsense…", Very Fine and rare patriotic lettersheet. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $525