Overland Mail & Express Co., Barlow & Sanderson, Proprietors… Principal Office, Pueblo, Col., stagecoach company printed corner card with six-horse stagecoach illustration (no imprint) on cover to Nasby, Missouri, light "Villa Grove, Col, Aug 13" cds and 1879, 3¢ green with target cancel, with original letter on Overland Mail And Express Co. printed letterhead with 188_ date blank but datelined simply "August the 13", letter is from a man working as a driver to his mother back home and reveals "I am getting $80 still and if I had tended stock I would only have gotten $25."; slightly reduced at right, stains and small edge faults, Fine. Estimate $400 - 600.
Bradley Barlow and Jared L. Sanderson were "stagecoach kings" before and long after the more famous Ben Holladay ventured into and out of the business. For over three decades, Barlow and Sanderson's company controlled important transportation routes in Colorado and across the southwestern United States from Missouri to California and as far north as Oregon and Idaho. As railroads were built across the west in the 1870's and 1880's, Barlow and Sanderson concentrated on providing feeder service. The company held numerous mail contracts in various states and territories. Barlow retired from a lifelong career in the stage business in 1878. Sanderson continued to crack the whip until 1884.
Realized: $575