1867, 2¢ black, F. grill, used with two 3¢ red, F grill (94) singles, cancelled or tied by circle of wedges, matching "Baltimore Md. Jan 4" cds on 1869 "Printed Matter" endorsed Baltimore Post Office bulletin to Rome, Italy, "Per English Mail closed" crossed out, red Calais (1.17.69) entry cds, rated as paid only to the border upon arrival with manuscript "20" centimes due, Rome (1.20.69) arrival backstamp; 2¢ pencilled in scuffed at bottom, internal splits, still Very Fine, possibly the only known Black Jack used on a double 4c printed matter rate cover to Italy, ex-Allen (illustrated in Lane book on p. 63) and Faiman, Faust. Scott No. 93 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,000