Classic Cover Group, 1847-69, of approximately 40 mostly better covers; starting with a #1b use (with cert), #7 strip of three (with cert), many 4-margin #11's in shades, sheet margin, green cancels, etc., 1857 issues with interesting 3¢ usages including captured imprint, green cancel, allover advertising, early W.F. & Co. express, #35 pair to Canada, #37 on patriotic cover to England (stamp color chemically affected), 1861 usages starting with nice #64 & 64b usages (with certs), patriotics, 1¢+3¢ carrier usages, #68+76 x2 from San Francisco, multiple 3¢ + 2¢ Blackjack franking to Nova Scotia, #78 to England (cert), 30¢ usages including with 3¢ to Switzerland and solo usage on patriotic to France, 1868 usages including campaign cover and a few foreign destinations; condition varies with many attractive usage throughout, inspection a must. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $3,250