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Sale 87: The Dr. David Patterson Collection of New Zealand

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1862-64 Chalon Issue, Perf. 13, Wmk. Large Star

Lot 6240

New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d red brown, perf 13, Large Star watermark, horizontal pair, deep vibrant color, used with 2d dull blue (73), tied by two strikes of 052" barred oval of Lake Waipori on cover to Marshall Mich., red Dunedin (7.12.64) backstamp and red crayon "8d" credit rating to G.B., endorsed "Via Southampton!", carried by Madris from Melbourne May 26th arriving at Southampton Jul. 18th, red London Paid transit, red "16/Cents" credit to U.S., then carried by Allan Line St. David from Liverpool Jul. 21st to Quebec arriving Aug. 4th, then by Grand Trunk R.R. to Detroit, clear "Detroit. Am. Pkt. '5' Aug 6" debit exchange cds with 5¢ due from addressee, Very Fine and rare transatlantic American Packet use via the Allan Line, Greg Francis, Spink, July 2014, lot 1359 (note stamps incorrectly identified as perf. 12½). Scott No. 19. Campbell Paterson No. A5c (4).
SG No. 77    Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.

The Lake Waipori Post Office opened January 1st 1864, changed name to Berwick April 8th 1878. From March 27th 1864, the Suez and Southampton route for United States mail was set at 1s2d for a ½ ounce letter. This rate remained unchanged until July 1st 1868.

Realized: $3,250

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