New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d red brown, imperf, Large Star watermark, three singles, margins to slightly in, used with 1864, 2d pale blue, perf 12½ (113), tied by strikes of thick numeral "1" oval grid cancel, matching "Auckland, New-Zealand, FE 8, 1865" rimless backstamp on folded cover to Scotland, blue oval "Buckolz & Co., Auckland" company backstamp, endorsed "Via Marseilles" at top left, red London Paid (4.12) entry cds, Kirkaldy (4.13) arrival backstamp; some cover wear and small edge tears, F.-V.F. use to Scotland. Scott No. 14. Campbell Paterson No. A5b (5). SG No. 43 Estimate $300 - 400.
Cover was prepaid 1s8d for the ½-1 oz. letter rate via Marseilles effective from Sept. 12th 1863.
Realized: $300