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Sale 87: The Dr. David Patterson Collection of New Zealand

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1862-64 Chalon Issue, Imperforate, Wmk. Large Star - 6d Issues

Lot 6174

New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d deep red brown, imperf, Large Star watermark, two singles, barely clear to large margins with intense rich color, cancelled together by bold "5, Otahuhu, A" oval, matching "Otahuhu, New Zealand, Nov 4, 63" backstamp on cover to London, England, Auckland (11.4) transit and red London Paid (1.9) arrival cds, endorsed "Via Marseilles" at top left; cover tears and slight toning, Fine and scarce late use at the 1s via Marseilles rate, H. Gordon Kaye, Christie's Robson Lowe, November 1991, lot 41. Scott No. 14. Campbell Paterson No. A5b (4).
SG No. 43    Estimate $300 - 400.

The 1sh rate for ½oz. letter via Marseilles was lowered to 10d in September 1863, but the new rate was not used until later in the year.

Realized: $500

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