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Sale 87: The Dr. David Patterson Collection of New Zealand

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1862-64 Chalon Issue, Imperforate, Wmk. Large Star - 6d Issues

Lot 6168 o

New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d red brown, imperf, Large Star watermark, strip of three (R. 7/4-6) with pos. R. 7/5 showing D defect of ZEALAND, full to huge margins including part of stamp at left, rich color on bright paper, partial strikes of 1864 duplex, right stamp with small flaw at top, otherwise Extremely Fine and choice strip; with clear 2006 Behr certificate. Scott No. 14, 14 var. Campbell Paterson No. A5b (5).
SG No. 43, 43 var.    £330 as singles ($430).

One constant flaw is found on the six pence plate. This is a spot of color at the top of the vertical stroke of the D of ZEALAND, probably caused by a piece of hardened metal becoming lodged on the transfer roller during the rolling in of the plate. Impressions affected are No. 4 of Rows 17-20, No. 5 of Rows 1-20, and No. 6 of Rows 1-3. The flaw is easily seen on the 1871 printings.

Realized: $290

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