New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 3d brown lilac, imperf, Large Star watermark, enormous margins except close at bottom, used with 1d carmine-vermilion, perf 12½ (110) and 2d deep blue (114), all tied by barred oval duplexed with "Hokitika, FE 13 67" cds on cover to Wellington; opening tears at left and vertical fold clear of stamps, F.-V.F. and scarce mixed-issue franking. Scott No. 13. Campbell Paterson No. A3a (1). SG No. 40 Estimate $300 - 400.
This letter was prepaid 6d for a ½-1 oz. letter between provinces introduced in January 1, 1867. The perf 12½ 3d in the lilac and mauve shades is first recorded in March of 1867.
Realized: $1,050