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Sale 87: The Dr. David Patterson Collection of New Zealand

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1855 Chalon Issue, London Print, Imperforate, Wmk. Large Star

Lot 6024

New Zealand, 1855, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d dull blue on blued paper, Re-Entry (Pos. R. 9/9), London printing, Large Star watermark, large margins to touched at bottom, tied by sharp numeral "6" barred oval, matching "New Plymouth, New Zealand, DC20, 1855" origin backstamp on blue folded cover to Wellington, red crayon "Registered, 365" at top left, Very Fine and scarce registered use. Scott No. 2 var. Campbell Paterson No. A2a.
SG No. 2 var.    Estimate $400 - 600.

A constant flaw, seen on all printings, characterized by a colored spot extending from within the top right corner of the Z of ZEALAND to just above the frame line above the Z. The flaw remains evident on worn printings.

Realized: $575

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