6011 P
New Zealand, 1864, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d pale blue, very worn plate, plate proof, Large Star watermark, on stout unwatermarked paper, block of 18 formed from rejoined blocks of eight and ten (rows 19-20, positions 4-12), margins ample to slightly in at right; two vertical creases and a few pinholes, Very Fine appearance, a very scarce large proof multiple, Marcel StanleyJohn Boker
Joseph Hackmey, Spink Shreves
Paul Kruger, Schuyler Rumsey, April 2018, Lot 286. Scott No. 32a. Campbell Paterson No. A2m.
SG No. 113P Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
In 1864, Davies printed a sheet of the 2d from plate I which he sent to Perkins, Bacon with a request for a new plate.