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Sale 85: The Westpex Sale

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Nevada - Express Companies

Lot 851    

"Nels Express, 50cts Paid", manuscript endorsement at top left of buff cover to Burlington Vt., entered mails with red "San Francisco '40' Jun 1" integral-due cds, original letter which no longer accompanies was datelined "Foster Bar, California, May 10, 1850" and refers to expressman; upper left corner repair and edge wear reinforced, F.-V.F. appearance.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

Nels Express was probably one of the typical one-man Expresses that operated in the California Gold Country. Many of the Argonauts would become express-men to support their friends and partners in the mines. Nels mad at least one express run down the river to San Francisco. Nelson A. Hammond was a pioneer stagecoach employee and later worked for Wells, Fargo & Co. in 1865, at Dutch Flat-Alta in 1866, Cisco 1868 and Reno 1869. He organized the Hammond & Wilson Express at Reno.

Realized: $1,050

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