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Sale 84: Foreign Stamps and Covers

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Nova Scotia - Stampless Covers by Date

Lot 1061    

Nova Scotia, 1846, 1850 Nova Scotia to Cape Breton, pair of folded letters comprising 1846 (Dec. 10) with "Arichat N.S., Paid" postmark with "Paid" crossed out and replaced by "DE 12" datestamp to Gut of Canso C.B. with manuscript "4½" d.cy. due rating for a ship letter; and 1850 (Sep. 19) Halifax N.S. to Sydney C.B. with manuscript "4½" d.cy. packet rating, endorsed "Per Steamer", F.-V.F. pair of letters.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Better communications in the province were also achieved by ships linking coastal communities. In 1837, the first attempt was made to encourage the running of regular sailing vessels or steamers between the smaller ports in the province. The Legislative Council granted £100 annually for three years for a steamboat to carry the mail once a week between Windsor and Parrsborough, and Horton and Parrsborough, and £50 for the sailing of a schooner between Guysborough and Arichat touching occasionally at Fox Island and Canso.

Realized: $180

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