Rhode Island Inbound Mail, 1792-1800s, group of over 36 covers including some better, note 1789 "Baltimore. May 9" straightline to Newport, 1792 "Alex, Feb 3" straightline and "6.16" rating to Providence, 1799 "New York" clamshell postmark to Providence, 1806 "N London" fancy red cds with ornament and "Paid" handstamp to Providence, 1838 "Galesburgh Mich." postmark to Tiverton, 1811 "Hampton Va." red ms. postmark with "20" rating to Providence, "Natcz. M.T." cds on 1817 folded letter to Providence, 1829 "Taunton. Ms. Aug 24" straightline to Newport, 1844 "Apalachicola F.T." red cds with matching "25" rating handstamp to Providence, 1815 "Alexa Ca" with red ms. "30" war rating to Providence, 1860s Civil War soldier letters (3), and 1830s Express Mail from New Orleans and Charleston (1), etc.; some faults, F.-V.F. Estimate $500 - 750.