Rhode Island Express Mail, group of 10 covers and four receipts with labels, includes blue "Kinsley's Express, Newport R.I., Jun 1, 1868" double-circle datestamp on cover to Canton Mass., 1850 San Francisco Cal. letter to Providence endorsed per "Adams & Co. Express", "Per Earles Express" endorsement on 1852 folded letter from Boston to Pawtucket, 5 Ross Express usages with various ratings, purple Harnden Express Providence envelope sent locally, receipts include New York & Boston Despatch Express Company black on yellow label, 1889 "By U.S. Ex. Co." brown on white label, 1897 "Ship This Order by Carry's Newport Express" handstamp, and 1881 purple "Return Goods by New York & Boston Despatch Express Co., Boston" circular handstamp, etc.; some faults, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.