Forwarded by Bowers Express, full clear strike of oval handstamp on buff cover with red "San Francisco, 40, 15 Nov" integral rate cds to Windsor Vt.; some edge wear, Very Fine and choice strike, ex-Parker, Haas. Thomas No. BOW-100 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Reference: Illustrated in Wiltsee
John Taylor Bowers, with help of brothers, began by transporting small packages, letters and gold dust between Caldwell's Upper Crossing and Sacramento, and from there extending to San Francisco. The location at Caldwell's Upper Crossing would soon be known as Nevada City and this was the first express operating out of the area. Very quickly they were servicing new locations of Nevada City, Grass Valley, Rough & Ready, Washington and the Placer locations along Poor Man Creek and the Yuba River. They advertised connecting with Freeman in Sacramento and Adams in San Francisco. Freeman purchased this express in October 1851.