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Sale 77: Confederate States of America

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Prisoner of War Covers, Northern Prisons

Lot 1644    

Confederacy, Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass., cover franked with uncanceled U.S. 1861, 3¢ rose and addressed to CSA Vice President Alexander H. Stephens at Fort Warren, with "App'd to be delivered, By comd of Maj Genl Hooker, Chas. O. Joline, A.D.C." endorsement at top, reverse with "R.M. Johnson, 25 July, 65" docketing, Very Fine, Stephens was imprisoned for five months at Boston's Fort.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Stephens was taken into custody on May 11, 1865 at Crawfordville, shortly after Jefferson Davis and his party were captured at Irwinville Ga. Transported to Fortress Monroe with the Davis party, Stephens and Postmaster General Reagan were sent on to Boston arriving on May 24th. On August 20th he was moved to more comfortable quarters and permitted greater freedom. His release was supported by Senators Sumner and Wilson, Generals Grant and Thoms, and Secretaries Seward and Stanton, and many others. President Johnson released him on October 13, 1865.

Realized: $800

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