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Sale 77: Confederate States of America

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Prisoner of War Covers, Northern Prisons

Lot 1643    

Confederacy, Fort Warren, Boston Harbor Mass., 3¢ pink (U58) entire with "Fayetteville N.C. 'Dec 31' " cds and manuscript dating addressed to Eugene A. Maffitt, Prisoner of War, "Fort Warren", Boston Harbor Mass. return address of John L. Maffitt; torn from opening and stained, accompanied by second cover from same correspondence and same "Dec 31" dating with part of address excised, Very Fine.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Fort Warren was one of the better run Civil War prisons with a much lower casualty rate than most others during that time. Midshipmen Eugene Maffitt, formerly C.S. Navy, was the son of legendary Confederate Navy Lt. John N. Maffitt, Commanding Officer of the CSS "Florida". Maffitt served at Fort Beauregard at Beaufort S.C. and then under the command of Admiral Raphael Seemes on the CSS "Alabama" from the start of its operations against U.S. shipping until its sinking in Cherbourg, France by the USS "Kearsarge". Maffitt and his shipmate CS marine Lt. R. Howell (brother-in-law of President Jefferson Davis) were captured on an English steamer when it docked in Portland Me. on Dec. 6th 1864, and were imprisoned at Fort Warren in Boston Harbor where Maffitt received this letter from his half brother. Maffitt was released from Fort Warren on Jan. 10th 1866.

Realized: $210

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