Lot 1060
Confederacy, (Documents) South Carolina Pre-Secession Letter, 3-page letter from politician Jno. W. Dargan datelined "Republic of S. Ca., Sumter Nov 29th, 1860" with interesting contents regarding the South Carolina legislature and pre-convention sentiments…The hottest secessionist you ever saw. In fact this District is alost a unit on that question. There is no telling what will be the finale of the present aspect of political affairs - So. Ca. is certainly at this time in a state of revolution - The Bill calling for a convention of the people to take into consideration her withdrawal from the Union passed both branches of the Legislature by a unanimous vote; a thing unprecedented in the history of this Country - The Election for delegates to said Convention comes of on the 6th Decr, & the Convention meets on the 17th And I candidly believe that by the 1st of Jany So.Ca. will be a Republic to herself, as the Conventions in Ga. Ala. Miss. & Florida do not meet until some time in Jany.…A Number of our Federal officers have resigned & the balance will, before Lincoln takes his seat, or I suppose as soon as the State Seceeds - The Stars & Stripes have been hauled down in every portion of the State. And the Old Colonial Flag & the Lone Star & Palmetto ran up instead.; couple reinforced holes along folds and staining, F.-V.F., a fascinating pre-secession letter.Estimate $300 - 400.
South Carolina was the first state to secede on December 20th, 1860 and was admitted to the Confederacy on February 4th 1861.
Realized: $325