Lot 639
French Offices in Zanzibar, 1897-1901 French Offices in Zanzibar Issues on Cover, of 5 covers (one partial) and card franked with the 1896-1900 issue; includes 1897 registered cover to Germany franked with 1896, 2½a on 25c pair (Sc. 22), similar 1897 usage franked with 1896, 2a on 20c, three singles + 2½a on 25c (21+22), 1899 registered use to France bearing 1896, ½a on 5c, five singles + 10a on 1fr (17+26), 1900 part cover to Dar-es-Salaam bearing 1896, 2½a on 25c solo franking, 1900 cover to Milan, Italy with 1896, ½a on 5c +2a on 20c franking and straight line "Apres Le Depart" handstamp, and a 1901 postcard franked with 1a on 10c type I (19a), generally F.-V.F. or better.Estimate $750 - 1,000.