1883, 4¢ blue green, used with 1¢ gray blue (206), each cancelled by three-rings cancel duplexed with "Canandaigua N.Y. Dec 11" cds on cover to Lt. C.S. Sperry, U.S.S Quinnebaug in care of B.F. Stevens, New York (12.13) transit backstamp, Charing Cross (12.23) arrival cds, purple "United States Despatch Agent, B.F. Stevens, 25 Dec 84" forwarders oval and readdressed in red ink to Alexandria, Egypt, Fine. Scott No. 211 Estimate $200 - 300.
The U.S.S. "Quinnebaug" was probably in Alexandria Harbor to observe the state of the Sudan Campaign, and to protect U.S. citizens if required.
Realized: $240