1775 (c., Sep. 21) Revolutionary War Military Confirmation Letter, letter reads, "A Court of Inquiry to be held this day at 10 o'Clock to examine into the Cause of Levi Brown of Col. Churches Regt. configned for Firing a gun and wounding Ephraim Whitney Soldier in Capt. Murrys Compny in Col Nixons Regt. to Consist of one Field Officer of President 8 Capts and 5 Subs, Major Jackson President", and "One Sargeant. One Corporal and 12 Men from Col Whitcombs Regt. to repair the Pillory and and Remain as a Guard over the Same.", Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Letter is accompanied by Library of Congress research done by the Chief of the Manuscripts Division with some detail on the officers mentioned and dating to 1775. Reads in part, "Your interesting manuscript dated merely Sept. 21 should indubitably be assigned to the year 1775, and to General Washington's army then engaged in besieging Boston".
Realized: $700