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Sale 70: The Skywalk Collection

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Postal Relations with Bermuda and the West Indies - Mail by Packet via Bermuda

Lot 288    

1874 (Nov.) St. Pierre et Miquelon to Fort de France, Martinique, cover with indistinct St. Pierre et Miquelon origin cds, bearing Canada Small Queen 6¢ yellow brown (39b) pair and single, and 6¢ yellow brown (39) single, arranged in block form and tied by oval grid cancels, matching "Halifax N.S. NO 30 74" cds on flap, red crayon "18" credit rating, red "New York '8' Dec 24" exchange cds with 8¢ credit to G.B., carried by U.S. Brazil Mail Steamship Co. Ontario from New York Dec. 24th to St. Thomas (12.30 backstamp), then by RMSPC steamer to Martinique; small edge tear, right 6¢ creased from placement over edge, Very Fine appearance, Illustrated in Arfken.
Estimate    $5,000 - 7,500.


This cover had missed the Cunard Line Beta leaving Halifax Nov. 30th for Bermuda. The next ship via Bermuda was scheduled to leave Halifax Dec. 28th and arrive at St. Thomas later than if routed via New York. The Canadian rate via New York to Martinique was 21¢ (effective Oct. 1873) with 3¢ retained by Canada and 18¢ credit to the United States. The United States retained 10¢ steamship postage with credit of 8¢ to G.B. for carriage from St. Thomas to Martinique. Cover was 3¢ overpaid.

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