1849 (Mar. 20) Port Dover, Canada to Aix-en-Provence, France via Halifax, datelined folded letter with red "Port Dover U.C." cds and manuscript "20 March 1849" dating, prepaid to destination ratings of red manuscript "1/11 stg." 1s11d stg. and "2/2 cy" 2s2d cy., reverse with Simcoe (3.20), Brantford and Montreal (3.27) transits, carried by Cunard Line Niagara from Halifax Apr. 20th to Liverpool arriving Apr. 30th, red London "Paid, 4 MY 1849" transit cds and oval "PD" handstamp, Boulange entry cds, Aix-en-Provence (5.5) arrival backstamp; couple small edge tears, Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
This cover was sent during the retaliatory rate period when the closed mail bag system was suspended and mail went via Halifax. Mail in closed bags via the United States was resumed eastbound May 16th 1849 and Westbound Apr. 14th after an agreement was made on Jan. 26th 1849. Because the letter did go via the United States, the rate was reduced by 6d. stg. English inland rate was 1½d stg., 8d to England, Cunard share 2½d and 10d to France.