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Sale 67: The Westpex Sale

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Rhodesia to Sarawak

Lot 539    

Samoa, 1895, 1½d on 2d orange + 3d on 2d orange, perf 12x11½ issues, in combination with 1895, ½d brown violet, tied by blue "Apia, Samoa Apr. 18, 95" cds on 1895 registered cover to San Francisco, Cal., additionally franked with U.S. 8¢ Columbian (Scott #236) tied by oval handstamp, with Samoan stamps supplied by sender and postmarked in provisional blue ink (April 1, 1895 fire-destroyed Samoa post office including all stamps and supplied 8¢ Columbian) tied by oval S.F. registry postmark and magenta straight line, dated May 9, 1895, Extremely Fine, a very rare mixed franking usage, illustrated in Odenweller A Postal History of the Samoa Islands 1830-1911 (page 97).
Scott No. 9b+24b+25b    Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $400

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