U.S. Postal Rates 1851-1863 Cover Balance, 18 items, mostly transatlantic with good destinations and frankings; includes 1859 Folsom City, Cal. wrapper to Vergennes Vt., 1853 Rough and Ready, Cal. to east coast, 1851 Halifax, Nova Scotia wrapper usage, 1853 U.S. Express Mail, New York usage to Nova Scotia, 1858 San Francisco, Cal. to Chile with #35 x4, 1862 New York N.Y. to Jamaica bearing #63 x2 + 65 x6, 1860 Cincinnati Oh. to Belgium bearing #26+37, 1861 Clifton Ill. to Belgium bearing #24+35 x2, 1857 Lancaster Pa. to France with #11A+17, 1858 New Orleans La. to France circular rate with #24 pair, 1861 Chicago Ill. to Germany with #26+36, etc.; condition varies with many nice and interesting usages. Scott No. 26 Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.