Hawaii, Hawaii Town Postmark Cover Collection, approximately 150 covers and cards in two binders; starting with Hakalau 237.02 philatelic & commercial usages, Hilea with possible earliest strike (282.016, 1RRR), substantial section of Hilo starting with Collector's Office, Hilo, Hawaii oval (211, scarcity 2) various usages and the 242.13 & 238.02 townmarks including overseas, good showing of the later marks with some to the U.S., Honokaa, Honuapo, Hookena with scarce first postmark (282.01, 1RR) and later types, Hoopuloa, Kailua types, Kalapana, Kawaihae with better early postmarks, Kealakekua, Keauhou, Kohala section with a nice array of postmarks and usages from first type handstamp on, Laupahoehoe, Mahukona with couple nice 255.01 strikes (scarcity 2) on covers to U.S., Naalehu, late Napoopoo, Olaa, Ookala, Paauilo, Pahala, scarce Papaaloa, Papaikou, Puehuehu, Waimea and Waiohinu with early 238.02 strikes (1RR); condition varies with duplication in strikes to be expected. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $4,000