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Sale 67: The Westpex Sale

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Hawaii - Hawaiian Autographs and Historic Documents

Lot 3035

Hawaii, Hawaiian Documents including Embossed Seals, 1851-1905, small group of 5 documents including 1851 document signed "J.L. Waihili" as Kakauolelo, 1868 mortgage deed with green embossed Royal Stamp crown seal and signed by Chas. H. Wetmore, D.B. Lyman etc., 1889 indenture with blind embossed crown seal and signed by F.S. Lyman, Chas. H. Wetmore, C.R. Richardson, W.D. Alexander etc., 1905 Hawaii Terr. Police Officer's Commission with large gold embossed seal, etc., F.-V.F., a scarce group.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $575

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