Jones & Russell's Pike's Peak Express Co, Denver City, Aug 12 1859, complete sharp strike of cds on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire to Duplain, Mich., entered the U.S. mails with "Leavenworth City, K.T., Aug 23, 1859" cds canceling indicia; small edge tears and nick, a bit reduced at left, otherwise Very Fine, ex-Rogers. Estimate $500 - 750.
While still operating the Leavenworth City & Pikes Peak Express, Jones and Russell purchased the John Hockaday line, which had the government mail contract to Salt Lake City via the Platte River. Eventually, this led to the termination of the Republican River-Fort Riley route used by the Leavenworth City & Pikes Peak Express. Jones & Russell's express operated from July 1859 to February 1860, charging 25¢ per letter.
Realized: $475