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Sale 67: The Westpex Sale

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1851-57 Issue - Multiples

Lot 1080 /o/   

(Multiples) 3¢ 1851-57 Issue - Multiples, Imprints, Centerlines, Varities, etc., collection balance including #11 mint block of four (pos. 27-28/37-38R4), #11 used blocks of four, #26 mint block of four, #11 pos. 100L4 corner margin single showing centerline, #11A pos. 91R2L corner margin showing centerline, #10A pos. 74L1i triple transfer (cat. $450), #11 imprint and plate number "4" single, numerous imprint and centerline singles and pairs including some on cover, plate varieties incl. #25 pos. 48R7 with "Stellate Crack" on piece (cat. $750), print varieties with preprint paper folds on #11 and #26s, double perfs on #26, etc.; some faults, etc., F.-V.F.
Scott No. 11, 26    Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.

Realized: $1,250

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