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Sale 66: Gems of Philately

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Free Franks

Lot 1040    

John Quincy Adams, 1767-1848, 6th President of United States 1825-29, bold free frank "J.Q. Adams" signature as Secretary of State on official "Department of State" folded cover to Amos Ellmaker, Lancaster Pa., partial "Wash. City Nov 25" cds and "Free" rating handstamp; light staining, Very Fine and rare free frank.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

Son of John Adams, he was Minister to the Netherlands, Prussia, Russia and Great Britain, and negotiated the Treaty of Ghent which ended the War of 1812. He was a Senator from Massachusetts and Secretary of State under Monroe. In 1824, he ran against Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay, and though Jackson received more votes, the election was thrown into the House of Representatives. There, House Speaker Clay swayed members to vote for Adams, who then appointed Clay Secretary of State. Following his defeat in 1828, he was elected to the House of Representatives, where he served from 1831 until his death.

Realized: $750

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