656 (
Circular Target, three strikes of fancy NYFM cancels on 5¢ brown (76) and 24¢ gray (78b) pair on yellow 1864 cover front to Shanghai, China, red "N. York Br. Pkt 'Paid' Nov 30" exchange cds and magenta "40" cents credit rating, two-line "Insuffy Stamps / Via Marseilles" handstamp, red London Paid (12.12.64) transit cds and red crayon "1" Colonial credit rating; some stamp creasing, F.-V.F. Skinner No. NYFM 64-11 Estimate $300 - 400.
This letter was prepaid 53¢ for the single weight rate to Shanghai by British Mail service via Marseilles. Unfortunately, this letter must have weighed more than ¼ ounce but less than a ½ ounce, so the New York exchange office sent it via the Southampton route that was 45¢ per ½ ounce.
Realized: $375