(Naval) George Henry Cooke Naval Correspondence 1877-1891, group of 41 covers to and from Doctor Cooke while serving on the U.S. Flagship Pensacola, including usages in care of B.F. Stevens in London with their purple oval forwarder handstamps to Montevideo (6) and Chili (4), 1877 use from Turkey with French franking, 1878 from Mahon, Minorca to his wife in Philadelphia, uses from France to him at Egypt and Turkey, 1878 Spain to France (5), 1891 Flagship use from Uruguay, 1887 Flagship use from Peru, 1885 Flagship use from Panama, etc.; each with wax seal stain at center, F.-V.F., an interesting group. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $900