(Naval) 1838-42 (c.) to "Exploring Expedition, C Wilkes Esq. U.S.N., Washington", folded cover addressed to Wilkes while he commanded the Naval Expedition to the South Seas, apparently forwarded privately to his ship, Extremely Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
The United States Exploring Expedition of 1838-42, commonly known as the "Wilkes Expedition", included naturalists, botanists, a mineralogist, taxidermists, artists and a philologist, and was carried by the USS Vincennes (780 tons) and USS Peacock (650 tons), the brig USS Porpoise (230 tons), the store-ship USS Relief, and two schooners, USS Sea Gull (110 tons) and USS Flying Fish (96 tons). It was of major importance to the growth of science in the United States, in particular the then-young field of oceanography. During the event, armed conflict between Pacific islanders and the expedition was not uncommon and dozens of natives were killed in action, as well as a few Americans.
Realized: $300