(Naval) War of 1812 Ransom for Sloop Taken by Privateer Benjamin Franklin, folded letter datelined "New York 11th Novr. 1813" and addressed to Benjamin Ayman at New Haven, Ct., no postal markings, letter reads "your favr of the 9th inst. I received and undertake to make a farther explanation. The bill attended to, was one given by John Weatherheadm Commissary Genl. of St. Johns Antigua to Captn. Josiah Ingarsol for the Ransom of a sloop taken by Privateer Benjamin Franklin, which I understand Mr. Steward promised to have Collected and I thought through you a Remittance might have been made to Mr. Samuel Adams of this place, agent for said privateer, therefore should you not have any knowledge of the circumstance…"; file folds, Very Fine and interesting. Estimate $300 - 400.