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Sale 60: The Westpex Auction

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Foreign Mails - 1804-1859

Lot 911    

1856, 1857 to Copenhagen, Denmark, two folded letters, 1856 (May 20) New York, N.Y. blue folded unpaid letter sent via Prussian Closed Mail with black "N. York Br. Pkt. '23' May 20" debit exchange cds, carried by Cunard Line Canada from Boston, red Aachen (6.3) and blue manuscript "13" sgr. debit rating, converted and rounded up with Danish red crayon "17½" sch. due rating, reverse with "56/9" rating for 65sk. due, vertical file folds; and 1857 (Apr. 18) Diamond Springs, Cal. orange buff cover with blue "Diamond Springs, Cal., Apr 18, 1857" cds and manuscript "Paid 35" cent rating, sent via Panama to New York, red "New-York Am. Pkt. May 16" exchange cds with matching "12" cent credit handstamp, framed Aachen (6.2) transit and red manuscript "2" sgr. credit to Denmark, Belgian (6.3) transit backstamps, opening tear at right and flap tear, Very Fine.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

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