Santa Fe, N.M., Feb 4, discernible cds on cover to Iowa, franked with 1857, 3¢ dull red (small corner nick) canceled by corner nick, with 4-page enclosure datelined "Pleseir (?) Jan. 25, 1861" mentioning being in the mountains during the harsh winter…the Indians are comiting considerable depridations hear but I think with the proper precausion thear will be but little danger. Thear was a man hear some 10 days since. He was murdered about 25 m. from haer. He had not any money when he left. Somle think the Mexicans murdered him becose he did not pay his bill. They taken his clothes off him. I regreted after I heard of his death I had not gave him money. Had he been a sober man I should have done it, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $375