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Sale 60: The Westpex Auction

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Eagle Pass, TX to Laredo, Tex.

Lot 1319    

Laredo, Tex., registry label with ms. "726" number on 1898 registered cover from British Honduras to Puebla, Mexico bearing British Honduras 1c, 2c, 5c and 12c (38-39, 41, 44), tied by three strikes of "Belize, British Honduras, AP 20 98" cds, reverse with New Orleans (4.26) cds, purple "Laredo, Tex. Apr 28 1898" straightline and Puebla (5.1) arrival backstamps, Laredo transit registry handstamp; tiny corner tear, clean and Very Fine, Census No. LA-26.
Scott No. FX-LA1; $1,200    Estimate $600 - 800.

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