1873, 10¢ brown, used with 3¢ green (185) pair, all cancelled by matching 5-point star cancels on yellow 1879 registered cover with preprinted address to New York N.Y., indistinct "Scott Bar, Cal" origin cds, large oval "Fraudulent Delivery Prohibited By Order Of The Postmaster General" at left, reverse with New York (5.10) registry backstamp and two large blue Dead Letter Office May 12 1879 triangular datestamps, large blue "B" filing handstamp and magenta "$3" indicating contents, photocopy of original correspondence indicates payment for "prize watch"; small edge tear, otherwise F.-V.F., we have never seen another example of this fradulent auxilliary marking, ex-Knapp. Scott Nos. 161 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $400