(Naval) 1890-91, U.S. Ship Pensacola to Asbury Park N.Y., three legal size covers from the Geo. H. Cooke correspondence with preprinted corner card and address, first endorsed "Off Montevideo, Uruguay, November 30th 1890" bearing Uruguay 10c. pair tied by Montevideo Dec. 4th cds; second endorsed "Off Iquique, Chili, March 26th 1891" bearing Chili 5c. blue pair, 10c. orange tied by three strikes of "Caldera, Chile, 26 Mar 91" cds, and last endorsed "Harbor of Callao, Peru, June 23d 1891" bearing Peru 10c. gray pair tied by Callou (6.22) oval datestamp, a Very Fine trio. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190